Mae Speak

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Radio Reflections 19-23 April 2010

I wrote and will read some reflections for Radio (RTHK 4 FM 97.6 11.57pm). You can access the RTHK programme archive website by visiting The programme is at the end of this 2-hour RTHK programme. You could click the skip forward button to about 52 minutes on the time-band.

It has been a long, challenging but enriching, spiritual experience. I thanks Helena for 'polishing' my 'coarse' work and Jovita for her help with pronunciation. Enjoy reading/listening

Monday, April 19, 2010

This is “Reflections.” I am Li Lan Ng.

This evening I want to discuss about birthdays.

We all have birthdays. Some of us might look forward to this special day, thinking about how we are going to celebrate, and what gifts we might receive. Is a birthday merely about gifts and celebrations? Have you ever thought about the meaning of your birthday?

A couple of years ago, I received a birthday card. Inside the card, the wording was:
“Happy Birthday to you!
In gratitude for each day of our lives and all those who gave us life,
In hope that each tomorrow will be full of life and peace.”

As I read these words out loud, I sensed a new meaning to my birthday! Truly, a birthday is a day when I want to thank “those who gave us life.” It is a day to praise our Creator, our Heavenly Father who loves us in His special way each and every day of our lives. A birthday is a day to show appreciation to our mother, who tolerated much physical pain and discomfort during pregnancy and in giving birth to us. It is a day to express gratitude toward people who were there for us when we were troubled.

When you next celebrate your birthday, while you enjoy the food, cherish the fellowship and take pleasure in the presents, remember also those “who gave you life.”

When we next celebrate our birthday, let us ponder the meaning of the birthday of Jesus Christ. What does Jesus’ birthday mean to us? Every year we celebrate Christmas. Besides gatherings of family and friends, preparation of gifts and meals, how are we going to prepare for the coming Christmas? Let us take this time to discern the meaning of Jesus’ birthday. Let us take this time to prepare ourselves for someone who has not only given us life, but also lives with us, and stands by us, each and every day of our lives.

Reflections – Tuesday, April 20, 2010 (Gratitude)

This is “Reflections”. I am Li Lan Ng.
My heart may sing to you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever. (Psalm 30:12)

We give thanks to Our Lord for all the good things he has bestowed upon us – our family, our friends, and our gifts of health, wisdom, strengths, creativity, resilience.

Dear listeners, when we are in a situation that is less desirable and there is not much we can do, what do we give thanks for? You might be surprised to find that there are quite a few things we can be thankful for. Let us look at some examples:

• When something happens at work and you feel emotionally disturbed, you may be thankful for having colleagues who stand up for you. Or, you may be thankful for not losing you job and for still enjoying a stable income.

• When you are not pleased with your child’s academic results, you may be thankful that he or she let you know about them.

What about the times when someone has wronged us? What do we give thanks for?

• When someone hurts or harms us, we can be thankful for the opportunity to recognize our own strengths.

• When someone deceives us, we can be thankful for the occasion to examine our own values.

• When someone abandons us, we can be thankful for having the opportunity to discover our resilience.

• Above all, these painful experiences allow us to have a taste of what it was like for Jesus to be hurt, deceived, and denied.
When the seed of gratitude is planted in our heart, we live in the light of consolation. Whether the situation is desirable or undesirable, there is always something for which we can give thanks.

Feeling grateful yet not expressing or verbalizing it is like preparing a gift but keeping it in your closet. So, from now on, let us articulate our thanks to our parents, our friends and loved ones, our teachers and mentors, our superiors and colleagues, our classmates, and our dear Lord. Let us articulate our thanks to those who gave us life.

Reflections – Wednesday, April 21, 2010 (Pain & Suffering)

This is “Reflections.” I am Li Lan Ng.

Pain is a part of our lives. Pain tells us that something in our body is not doing well. Pain also reminds us how vulnerable we human beings are. I certainly do not wish anyone of you to suffer pain of any kind. Yet, when pain knocks on our doors, do we ask, “Why?” “Why me?” or “Why is this happening to me?”

Fifteen years ago, my Dad was diagnosed with kidney failure. Since then, he has been undergoing kidney dialysis three times a week. Rain or shine, he makes his way to the dialysis centre. Day or night, after four hours of treatment, he makes his way home, exhausted. In each of these trips, he endures tremendous pain and suffers unpleasant after effects of the treatments.

Over these fifteen years, Dad has made some occasional complaints about his dialysis treatments. Other than that, my siblings and I did not hear Dad moaning or groaning. I do not know from where my Dad draws his strength or courage, but I realize that he always focuses on the positive aspects of things. I wonder if he is allowing the pain to shape his character. Isaiah 48:10 says “See, I have refined you as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.”

Perhaps my Dad’s tolerating pain and suffering is his way to comfort people who are undergoing similar dialysis treatment. Perhaps he perceives his pain and suffering as a way to get closer to God. Jesus asks us to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow him. Suffering is an integral part of our discipleship.

Dear listeners, next time when pain knocks on our door, shall we ask, “How does our pain bring us closer to ourselves, to others and to God?” Pain allows us to humble ourselves. It empowers us to experience the poverty of spirit. It reminds us of the incredibly excruciating pain and suffering Jesus went through as his loving gestures for mankind.

Reflections – Thursday, April 22, 2010 (Protecting Mother Nature)

This is Reflections, I am Li Lan Ng.

In Genesis 1, God created vegetation and living animals, blessed them and asked them to be fruitful and increase in number. Then, God created human beings in his likeness and let them rule over every living creature that moves on the ground.

Dear listeners, may I remind you that the earth on which we are now living is a gift from God. God created this beautiful earth and He asked us to love and protect it. How well have we been carrying out our duty?

Inevitably, global warming is one of the signs that reveals how much our activities have been making Mother Nature unwell. Our materialistic way of living urges us to constantly chase after the latest or greatest gadgets. We have an immense appetite for production activities which emit greenhouse gas that is trapped and slowly warms up the earth.

China is facing its worst drought in decades. India was struck with deadly flooding last year. Our eco-system is overturned – many animals are facing extinction. These unpleasant and undesirable environmental impacts are going to strike us even harder in the days to come. Something needs to be done. What can we do to protect Mother Nature?

I am saying, “We” because we are a part of this world and our collaborative effort will make a difference to our lives. Let me suggest one simple act: R & R - Recycle and Reduce consumption. In Hong Kong, most retail outlets are practicing environmental protection by not offering shopping bags, or charging a fee for them. In public areas, separate trash containers for papers, bags, bottles, etc. are used. The next time we think about buying a gadget of whatever kind, let us ask ourselves if the purchase is really necessary. Also, let us observe our recycling rules and regulations. Another way to reduce consumption is by consuming less electric energy. That is, we turn off lights, televisions, air conditioners when we are not using them.

God asked us to be the custodian of His great creation. Let us perform our duty. Together, let us do our part to protect the earth. Let us recycle and reduce consumption.

Reflections – Friday, April 23, 2010 (Gift Ideas)

This is Reflections, I am Li Lan Ng.

Mother’s day is around the corner. What gift have you prepared for your mom? Do you fuss over the sort of gift to buy for occasions such as birthdays anniversaries or Christmas? Sometimes it seems that the person, the recipient of the gift, has everything he or she needs.

Gift selection is a science as much as an art. Some people like to select something practical and some prefer buying something fancy. Whatever our selection criteria are, we tend to find the best gift for the person we have in mind: a gift we hope that he or she will love and treasure for years to come. So, what exactly makes the best gift?

Recently, I watched a Singapore movie, “I Not Stupid Part 2.” In the movie, a young boy named Jerry desperately wanted his busy consultant Father to attend his school concert because he was performing in it. Jerry sold his precious Pokemon cards to raise enough money to give to his Dad, so that his Dad did not lose the opportunity of earning his consultancy fees while he went to the concert. His Dad charges a fee of $1,000 an hour for his consultancy work. The movie inspired me with a gift idea. I notice that the best gift can be quality time, to be present for your loved ones!

Besides the gift of quality time, what about considering the gift of storage space? Giving the space for your loved ones to keep his/her treasures. Some people like to keep an old vase, a book or a painting. Do we gladly make space for our loved ones to keep these things, or we cannot wait to dispose of them?

The list of ideas for the perfect gift can go on and on. Look beyond the practicality or the fanciful appearance, extend your imagination. Think about the intangibles such as time and space.

It is a blessing to give as well as to receive. I wish that the gift you choose for your loved ones is going to be one of the best gifts they have ever received.

Friday, March 12, 2010


TG I HAVE... International Speech Contest 11March2010

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness. .

Ladies and Gentlemen, these are the opening lines of a great novel written by Charles Dicken – A Tale of Two Cities. The story revolved around London and Paris.

However, today, I’m going to tell you a new Tale of Two Cities. Which are the two cities? First, Asia’s World City, Hong Kong. 2nd Garden City, that’s right, Singapore.

Hong Kong & Singapore. When you compare and contrast the two cities as a tourist, you’ll find lots of similarities. For example,

• Hong Kong has Victoria Harbour while Singapore has Singapore River. And both are not suitable for swimming.
• Hong Konger travels on MTR while Singaporean on MRT. And both transport systems are clean and efficient.

Indeed, Hong Kong & Singapore are very similar. However, when a Singapore girl starts to work and live in Hong Kong – she starts to see the difference and feel the challenge.

• Hong Kong is a free and vibrant city. I often see people marching on the streets.. protesting for this and that. Hong Kongers act and speak freely – so much so that one is not punished for throwing banana at the Chief Executive. I’m not too sure about throwing shoes! Hongkonger is very creative - property developer calls the top storey of a building 88th floor when the building has only 46 stories.

This is a great contrast to the strait-laced Singapore. Living in Singapore is a bit like living in Disneyland – nice and clean, well regulated, well displayed but full of strict rules & regulations. The government very much dictates how Singaporean and foreigner living there should behave – no coca cola in school, no chewing gum. And if you are naughty, the parental government will whack your buttock.

• Hong Kong has 4 seasons, Singapore has two – wet summer, dry summer. Spring in Hong Kong is generally pleasant but the occasional spells of high humidity is no fun – your laundry gets wetter by the hours. A colleague told me water dripped from the ceiling of her building corridor. I asked her “When you walk, do you open up your umbrella?”

• Hong Kong builds high and small apartments to maximize the limited land area. Most hongkongers live in box sized apartment, averaging only 100 sq feet per person. It is a big challenge for me - my current apartment - 500 sq feet - is only the size of my living room in Singapore.

During my initial years in Hong Kong, I was not happy – I missed the sunny weather and my spacious apartment in Singapore. I dwelled on what I do not have. I magnified what I do not like. I became depressed. One day, a good friend asked me (is the moon rounder in Singapore PAUSE and asked me) if I’m moving back soon. I told her “Yes, very soon, the air is bad, the apartment is so small but hmm on 2nd thought, I’m not too sure, you see I am going to miss hiking and the freedom in Hong Kong”. My friend replied “Why not give it another try? Stay in Hong Kong but focus on what you’ve and to be thankful for it”

TG I HAVE – Thanks God for what I have. The new Tale of Two Cities taught us to count our blessings, to focus on what you’ve and to be thankful for it. When your heart is full of gratitude, there is little room for despair.

Ladies and Gentlemen, when you find yourself in a situation that is less desirable but you could do little to change it, make yourself happy by saying TG I have. You got it? Ok, let try this.

 When you are unhappy with your boss or with your job, you could say TG I have helpful your colleagues and steady income.

 When you are unhappy with your husband who is not earning as much as you desire, you could say TG I have a caring loving husband.

 When you are unhappy with your child’s academic results, what could you say? TG I have a healthy growing child.

Finally, if you didn’t learn a lot sitting here today, at least be thankful you learned a little. But if you didn’t learn a little, at least be thankful you met your friends here.

I’m now a happy Singapore girl living in Hong Kong. I enjoy hiking and TG I have toastmasters community.

So everyone, if you want to enjoy abundant happiness, count your blessings and what could u say TG I Have!