Mae Speak

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Have you eaten? (11June2015)

Have you eaten?   
(Advanced Project 2: Speaking in Praise.   Objective: prepare a speech praising someone.

Occasion: Father’s 84th birthday celebration.  Audience: family and friends in Singapore)

吃饱吗?that’s Chuichow - our Chinese dialect - and it means //  ‘have you eaten?’   A question Father & Mother often ask me & my siblings. They ask in the morning, in the afternoon and at night.  I wonder - do they / EAT TO LIVE?   Or / LIVE To EAT?     The truth is // “have you eaten?” / is our parents’ way of // expressing-their-love.   Today, we gather here to celebrate Father’s birthday. On behalf of my siblings, I would ask “Father 吃饱吗.

Father is an ordinary man with - 1 wife and 6 children.  To provide for his family, Father tried animal farming / even though he knew nothing about it.  At first, the ducklings didn’t survive, the chicken /ran away.  Through hard work, Father’s family gradually expanded /to include brood (bruːd) of chicken, ducks and pigs.   A big and crowded family – isn’t it?  To ensure we’ve enough to eat (again “吃饱吗”) Father would go to nearby seaside to catch crabs and gather seaweeds.  Oh!  The crabs are for us, seaweeds/ for the pigs.   

Due to urban development, we left the farm and moved to public housing. Father took up odd jobs to bring $ home. Years of toiling / took a toll / on his health.    Father – You’ve done so much /to provide for us.  Thank you!

20 years ago, Father was diagnosed with // kidney failure. ///  To maintain his life, Father has to have regular dialysis treatment to remove the waste in his blood.   Imagine these:// poke by - big- fat- needle / three times a week, //  bound to a machine/ 4 hours each time!   PAUSE///

For the past 20 years, Father takes all these in his stride. // He has enormous courage & grace - to face and accept / his illness.   // Yes, occasionally Father moans about this pain or that discomfort. /  But, Father / makes an effort / to keep his moaning / to the minimum – we know, // he doesn’t want to affect our emotions. PAUSE///

Life has become tougher / for Father in recent years - he is physically weaker, his hands feel numb.    // Despite all these, Father - continues – to- put- on- his- brave- face.  And he has not forgotten to ask us “吃饱吗”    /// One day, I asked him “Father,  what-keep-you-going? //  Have you – ever- thought of ---- giv-ing- up?  /// After one minute of silence, // he said // “Respect life. We must have / a good name. We must / think of others.”      PAUSE////

Father - you set a good example for us – to live a dignified life, /
                                                                         to be compassionate / despite our suffering.   //
I’m not sure if we could emulate (ˈem. jə .leɪt )  you.   One thing for sure, we saw .. & we learnt .. from your example of filial duty.

Father, I still remember when Grandma was very ill,  you moved into Grandma’s room / and watched over her day & night. For many months, Father and Mother attended to Grandma’s every needs.    

You’ve cared for Grandma, it’s our turn to care for/  you and Mother!    

Besides attending to their medical needs, my sisters, brothers & brother in law & sisters in law – we - often bring Father and Mother out – not just / to eat Chilli Crab or to see cute Panda – but to create / happy // and precious memories /with Father & Mother.   Father & Mother are also very happy whenever grandchildren and other relatives visit.

 Father is an ordinary man - no impressive name or massive fortune.  But he lives an- extra-ordi-nary life / with- dig-ni-ty /and / com-pass-ion.    

Father, // we hope /  you find comfort / from our love, // as much as //
                                        we find courage / from your examples. 

Happy 84th Birthday!  Father!   We love you!     吃饱吗?  Let’s bring out the cake and sing the birthday song! 

我 (CC1- Cantonese 9Aug2015)

大家好!你们 睇睇我的卡片,我的名是黃麗蘭 ,英文是Ng Li Lan 。

你是不是很想问“咁 你姓吳 定還 黃呢?” 很多人問我這個問題。有時候,有人會 
自問自答 -啊!你改了姓,你先生姓吳的! 是啊!我先生的確姓吳,但是我沒改姓哦。咁 究竟你姓吳 定還 黃呢? 唉!又回去同一個問題!

要解決這個迷題,我需要你的幫手。在座  有沒潮洲人? 我們美丽的教育副 会长 曉珍-曉珍, 請問黃色的黃,潮洲話怎樣講?Ng.  咁咩我的姓Ng 沒錯!

我來自新加坡,7成的人口是華人。在華人當中,有8成是潮洲或者福建人。在新加坡,英文姓NG Ng - 多數是姓黃,而不是 吳。现在 是不是明白了?咁 究竟我姓吳 定還 黃呢?

大家聽我講廣東話,個音是不是歪歪的?我初初來香港時,完全不識講,只識聽少少。我覺得廣東話很難學,我分不淸可以吃的鞋, 同可以穿的蟹。鞋 ?  蟹?   我是不是又搞錯咗?

另外一個例子是-作為耶穌基督 的粉絲,我們要經常 反思。粉絲? 反思? 是不是又搞錯咗?

搞錯 不紧要,大家笑一笑。 但是搞出誤會,就不好啊!要解決這個問題,我需要你的幫手。
有誤會,敬請原諒!   有錯誤,請你幫我糾正!

除了我的姓, 很多人都問我這個問題:你是  来自何方的华人?

我是一個土生土長的第二代新加坡人, 自認是一個新加坡華人, 觉得沒必要去認識  或者 追尋大陆的祖宗.  但是, 來到香港, 我開始感覺自己好像沒根的.  因为 大多數的香港人同大陆的祖家有联络 或者知道自己的根源。 于是,我問爸爸。  原来是----廣東省  汕頭  普寧市.  离香港只是4-5钟头车程。 于是, 在一個假期, 我啟動了我的尋根之旅. 

在普寧,我很惊讶!男女老少講的潮州話,同我屋企一样。那里賣的食物与零食很熟悉,同我屋企吃的差不多。我感覺好像回到屋企一样。 原来我的根在这里! 这感覺真奇妙!

其實人生就是這麼奇妙!我完全 沒想過 我會在香港  工作,生活,找到老公。而且參加演講會,同你們一起學習。 人生   有时  会遇到   陌生 或 新  的事,我们要  用开放的思维    去 接受,学习 与 包容。 例如:我们的演講會 是 双语的,我们要争取机会 参予中文与英文的例会,而不是只选一种语言   。   這幾年 我認識了 好多知心朋友,認識了 我與大陸的關係,也學識了廣東話。  真是 得意不淺!  我覺得 非常感恩! 多謝大家!